View Calendar
December 3, 2022 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM

On November 14th, W.B.A. membership voted to donate $500 to this worthy cause.  Please join us in supporting the members and families of our Connecticut law enforcement.

    On October 12, 2022 the Bristol Community was shaken when three officers were ambushed and Lieutenant Dustin DeMonte and Sergeant Alex Hamzy unfortunately lost their lives. In Milford, we know firsthand how a tragedy like this can affect the whole community. Let’s do our part, Milford, and show Bristol our support! Milford Plunges for BRRRistol! Come to Walnut Beach Saturday, December 3, 2022 to support Milford Police and the Milford community make the plunge into cold water as we show our support for Bristol and their fallen officers.
 Registration is $20 to participate or raise $100 from friends and family and register as a VIP which will include a free gift! 
If cold water isn’t your thing but you would like to help, you can also donate at the event! Any donation is greatly appreciated!
All money raised will go to Fund the First campaign for the families of Lieutenant Dustin DeMonte and Sergeant Alex Hamzy. This Fund the First campaign is endorsed by the Bristol Police Department and the City of Bristol.
When: Saturday, December 3, 2022 10:00 AM thru 01:00 PM
Where: Walnut Beach
  10:00 AM- 10:45 AM Registration/Check-In  
  10:45 AM-11:00 AM Opening Ceremony  
  11:00 AM Milford Plunges for BRRRistol!