The Walnut Beach Association is a community focused, non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization. Our primary goal is to beautify, enhance and promote the Walnut Beach area of Milford, CT.
Your donation allows the Walnut Beach Association to keep giving to our local community. In addition, your generosity helps us host a series of events throughout the year, including the Walnut Beach Arts Festival, the Joe Garbus Scholarship, the Summer Concert Series, Walnut Wednesdays and the Walnut Beach Cornhole Tournament.
To donate, please complete the form below. We thank you and are incredibly grateful for your support of our neighbors, our businesses and our environment.
Thank you for your online donation, and for supporting the Walnut Beach community!
2/17/2025: Susan Hansen
2/13/2024: Susan Hansen
12/1/2022: Milford Oyster Fest Committee
*in memory of Jeanette Acton, Committee Member
9/2/22: Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro
5/2/22: Anonymous
*to support the WBA Concert Series
4/14/22: Anonymous
12/6/21: David Ubaldi
*in memory of Joanne Ubaldi
9/26/21: James Rislim
9/6/21: Phyllis Powers
8/14/21: Jim Axtell
5/13/21: George & Arla Wiles