Hello neighbors! We are always in need of ideas and helpers to continue making Walnut Beach the best place on the Connecticut shore to live, work and visit.
If you would like to join one of our many committees, or perhaps start a new one, please let us know!
Want to help Walnut Beach? Volunteer opportunities!
Planning for our 2025 season is underway! If you’d like to volunteer with our 2025 Concert Series, please reach out to concertseries@walnutbeachassociation.com.
STUDENTS: We’d like to help you fulfill your Community Service hours :
Ongoing: The WBA currently has vacancies in the following areas:
-Membership Chairperson
-Beach & Environmental Committee
Our community needs you! If you are interested in getting more involved reach out to contact@walnutbeachassociation.com.
Stowe Barn: The WBA has established a committee dedicated to exploring the future of the historic Stowe Barn. If you have any interest in or knowledge of this important building you can share and would like to get involved, please contact us at president@walnutbeachassociation.com.
If you can’t commit to an entire event but would like to lend a hand you are always welcome. Remember, you don’t have to be a member to volunteer 🙂 Our WBA family is always happy to see you. Thank you for your commitment to our community!